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If you have a question or issue that you can't find a solution to on our FAQ page, drop us an email and we will get back to you!


You can find the information on product description page.

The availability of the products may vary according to regions due to the regions' export and custom policies, as well as shipping schedules. Your kind understanding is much appreciated!


Simply select the product you want to purchase and follow the steps below:

Step 1: Register or log in your account / check out as guest

Step 2: To add items to your cart, click on 'Add to Cart' with your desired quantity.

Step 3: To review your items, click on the 'Cart' icon located at the upper right corner of the page.

Step 4: If you have a promo code, enter it and click on ‘Apply’. Changes will take effect once you have successfully entered the code.

Step 5: Click on ‘Checkout’ and your order summary will appear for your review.

Step 6: Fill in your Personal Details, Shipping Address, then select your preferred Shipping Method and Payment Option, then click on ‘Continue’ to proceed with the payment.

Step 7: You will receive a confirmation email shortly after you have successfully placed your order.

Once your order has been confirmed, you will be sent an order confirmation summary by e-mail. This contains the following information:

- Order number
- Order date
- List of items ordered
- Total amount of the order

If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, (and you've checked your spam), it may be that your order has not been acknowledged.

When your order is processed, you will be sent an order dispatch confirmation by e-mail. In this e-mail, you will find a tracking number. By clicking on the link to the website in this e-mail, and entering the parcel number, you will be able to track your parcel.

You may visit the "Product Page" section, or contact INNISFREE customer service.

As of now, you are unable to accumulate INNISFREE app membership points for all online purchases.


Your order will be delivered 3-7 working days after processing. You will receive an email notification once the order is scheduled for delivery.

You can track your parcel once you have received an email that your order has been scheduled for delivery. A tracking number will be enclosed in your email. Kindly check your junk mail if you did not receive any email from us.

We're sorry, but we do not ship internationally.

We regret to inform you that once your order is successfully submitted, we are not able to accommodate to any changes to the order. If you have any enquiries about your order, please contact us at cs_innisfree@sg.amorepacific.com and we will do our best to assist you.

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